Future in Kids’ Hands Erasmus Project
General information for the Future in Kids’ Hands Erasmus Project
Project Title
Future in Kids’ Hands
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Environment and climate change
Project Summary
The idea for the project is a result of the ongoing Erasmus+ school partnership between Zespół Szkół nr 49 and 5 other European schools. Both Polish and Italian schools decided to continuou the coopperation and exchange of students/knowledge/skills. Both schools agreed that this project should be dedicated to the youngest students, which means learners at the age of 8 to 10 and their teachers. The main topic of the project is being environmentally friendly, building awareness of global changes and promoting the ideas of sustainable development. The project is designed to young learners as future promoters of actions aiming in eco-friendliness in schools and local communities.
The project will be conducted from 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2021.
Background: Agenda 2030 includes areas which need sustainable development: providing the quality education and taking actions to prevent negative climate changes. Both schools decided that these two areas should be a core of the project. The problem of early school leaving is present in both countries and the responsibility of school communities is to keep students in the education system as long as it is possible. Our Erasmus+ project is a combination of activities offering education of the best quality in the students’ friendly environment, inviting to the cooperation learners, teachers, kids’ parents and local communities. . The second problem, the climate changes, is global and we think that every country should take actions to minimalise their negative effects. We think that young learners should be educated on what they can do induvidually or locally to improve the situation. Our project lets school childrean build eco-awareness, teaches responsibility for future generations and how to be sustainable in everyday life.
Strategic goals:
Our project aims to achieve three strategic goals:
– to improve education and rise awareness on climate change and human and institutional capacity to impact reduction;
– to increase European dimension and preserve European values within the school and local communities, considering sustainable development in the area of evironmental protection and climat changes;
– to try to overcome the barriers and limitations in learning and teaching English language to young learners by promoting a comprehensive approach.
and more specific goals:
– to develop collaborative teaching and learning styles,
– to implement a whole-school action as a collaborative working method,
– to develop linguistic and other key competences by students and teachers,
– to develop transversal skills by students and teachers – knowledge, skills, work habits, critical thinking, problem solving, openness to innovation, personal expression, perseverance, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative and others;
– to exploit the knowledge and experience gained in the previous projects.
Methodology: In each school there will be teams working on various environmental issues: students will define the problem and will try to find a solutions. Next they will present their actions, ideas on the project TwinSpace. Each school will choose one local action promoting the sustainable development in the area of ecology (e.g. planting trees, collecting cans or batteries). Every second month there will be an online video conference between Polish and Italian students where kids will present their work results and progress. There are two 3-day learning visits of Italian students in Poland when learners will exchange ideas, learn to cooperate in international teams (workshops, exhibitions, games etc), practice English. The intended methods include: peer-observation among students and teachers, collaborative peer-group work, problem based and inquiry based learning, workshops, doing experiments, learning as a team, learning outside the classroom, “harnessing technology” for the learning process. There is also one visit of Polish teachers in Italian school, where they will observe lessons in young students classes, give short presentations about their school, conduct a lesson on importance of being ecologically aware, take part in discussion panels and brainstorming sessions with Italian teachers.
Results, dissemination and impact
Throughout the project life all outputs (students’ works) will be shared through different media: a dedicated project’s Facebook profile, TwinSpace, and other channels available locally. We will also use the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform and produce e-books with project outputs. The schools will strengthen their profile as modern and dynamic organizations ready to implement new approaches to education and share their knowledge and experience in EU projects. Students and teachers will increase their key competences, increase their ability to work on a joint project between schools and work and learn in a team. All participants wil increase their understanding of cultural diversity and positive attitude towards projects and the EU.
Project Website
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 23505 Eur
Project Coordinator
Zespol Szkol Nr 49 & Country: PL
Project Partners