Let’s get active – together for the world of tomorrow Erasmus Project

General information for the Let’s get active – together for the world of tomorrow Erasmus Project

Let’s get active – together for the world of tomorrow Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Let’s get active – together for the world of tomorrow

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Environment and climate change

Project Summary

Our project deals with active environmental protection at school. We will actively bring the idea of environmental protection to school in the coming years and act as ambassadors for active environmental protection in the fight against climate change. We are mainly concerned with small actions in everyday life and will try to find easily implementable solutions for climate protection at school. With our partners in Italy, Portugal and France we have found three like-minded schools and want to learn together as well as develop these environmental protection measures for our schools in collaboration. Furthermore, we are also planning to integrate the following topics into this project: personality development, internationalisation and foreign language promotion. We think that European citizenship can be improved by a stronger European awareness. So, if teachers and students gain new professional, cultural and personal experiences by their mobility, they can then pass them on to other teachers and students. It is also a fact that a person who speaks several languages is generally more tolerant and flexible in his or her thinking and therefore has better career opportunities.
Our project goals are first of all to find practicable environmental protection measures for the schools and implement them. We concentrate on four target groups – the PUPILS (perceiving environmental protection as something positive, training analytical and critical thinking and developing innovative and creative solutions and products for environmental protection), the TEACHERS (applying and promoting interdisciplinary and innovative thinking), the PARENTS (contributing to the exchange as host families; being more strongly and actively represented in the school community; experiencing appreciation of their knowledge and skills through participation as experts at home) and finally the SCHOOLS, which increasingly experience themselves as a LearningCOMMUNITY and open themselves to innovative teaching and assessment practices and therefore make “Europe” a visible part of everyday school life.
Each school will be responsible for two or three of the eight parts of the project (school as host institution of the exchange). In this role it is supported by the incoming school and usually also by the headmaster of its own school. The only school that leads the exchange only once is the school in Portugal. This school will still be participating in another KA229 project in 2021 and thus, will not be able to find any more host families for that school year. In autumn 2020 there will first take place a training event for the teachers involved in the project in Portugal. Each project partner will take care of the implementation of the monthly projects for four times during the two years. These projects will take place in parallel at all participating schools. We will form international teams for the following topics: evaluation, dissemination, timetable, total budget, preparation of the project results.
We plan to use eTwinning in all phases of project work (planning – implementation – follow-up).
Participation in the project will have a positive long-term impact on environmental, media, language and social skills of the four groups involved: pupils, teachers, parents and society. It will also enhance the school’s external image and visibility, i.e. it will increase its recognition and profile not only within the school community itself, including parents and other schools, but also at local level with the authorities (especially at international project meetings).

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 127272 Eur

Project Coordinator

B.O.RG Dornbirn-Schoren & Country: AT

Project Partners

  • Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Niccolò Machiavelli
  • Collège Jean Mermoz